General Information
DEFINITION--Above-normal level (hypernatremia) or below-normal level (hyponatremia) of sodium in the blood.
SIGNS & SYMPTOMSAny of the following:
Muscle cramps (usually in the legs), particularly following or accompanying exercise.
Restlessness and anxiety.
Changes in pulse rate and blood pressure.
Tissue swelling (edema).
Stupor or coma. Sodium imbalance may be part of a disease with other symptoms that predominate, such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea or excessive sweating.
Use of diuretics. Diuretics are used for serious medical problems such as hypertension and disorders of the kidney, liver and heart. They are sometimes used unwisely and unethically by athletes who need to meet a certain weight limit (boxers, wrestlers, jockeys). Diuretics, coupled with excessive sweating, heat and exercise, can cause severe sodium imbalance.
Poor kidney function.
Prolonged loss of body fluids from vomiting or diarrhea.
Infections with high fever. HYPERNATREMIA:
Inability to drink water, as with stroke or gastrointestinal diseases.
Use of cortisone drugs or anabolic steroids.
Excessive intake of salty food or liquid, as in near-drowning in salt water.
Diabetes mellitus.
Congestive heart failure.
Kidney diseases. Healthy kidneys can usually control sodium levels.
HOW TO PREVENTIf you take diuretics for any reason and exercise strenuously, make sure you drink extra water. Eat a generous diet. Do not drink salt mixtures such as Gatorade or take salt tablets. They may compound any developing problem.
Your own observation of symptoms.
Medical history and physical exam by a doctor.
Laboratory blood and urine studies of sodium and other electrolytes.
SURGERYNot necessary nor useful for this disorder.
NORMAL COURSE OF ILLNESSUsually can be corrected with intravenous fluids and treatment of the underlying disorder.
POSSIBLE COMPLICATIONSShock and death from severe fluid and sodium imbalance following vigorous exercise in hot weather.
NOTE -- Follow your doctor's instructions. These instructions are supplemental.
MEDICAL TREATMENTHospitalization (sometimes).
HOME TREATMENTIf you have a disorder or take drugs that affect sodium balance, learn as much as possible about your drugs, your condition and how to prevent a sodium imbalance.
MEDICATIONYour doctor may prescribe:
Intravenous sodium if sodium levels are low.
Medications to correct underlying disorders.
ACTIVITYResume your normal activities after recovery.
No special diet for low sodium levels. Low-salt diets contain enough sodium to prevent hyponatremia. However, sodium levels are not influenced by diet alone.
If you take diuretics, don't drink alcohol. Diuretics combined with alcohol use and excessive sweating can cause life-threatening shock.
You have symptoms of a sodium imbalance.
You are having problems with a disorder that affects sodium levels.