General Information
DEFINITION--A collection of pooled blood in the thigh within a relatively constricted area. Thigh hematomas probably accompany all serious contusions of the thigh, but they are difficult to diagnose because of the large muscle mass in the thigh.
BODY PARTS INVOLVEDThigh, including soft tissue (nerves, tendons, ligaments, muscles and blood vessels) surrounding the hematoma.
Swelling at the injury site.
Fluctuance (feeling of tenseness to touch, like pushing on an overinflated balloon).
Redness that progresses through several color changes--purple, green-yellow, yellow--before it completely heals.
CAUSESDirect injury, usually with a blunt object. Bleeding into tissues causes the surrounding tissue to be pushed away.
Contact sports, especially if the thigh is not adequately protected.
Medical history of any bleeding disorder such as hemophilia.
Poor nutrition, including vitamin deficiency.
Use of anticoagulants or aspirin.
HOW TO PREVENTWear appropriate protective gear and equipment, such as thigh pads, during competition or other athletic activity if there is a risk of a thigh injury.
Doctor's care unless the hematoma is very small.
Needle aspiration of blood from the hematoma if the hematoma is accessible. At the same time, hyaluronidase (an enzyme) can be injected into the hematoma space. Hyaluronidase hastens absorption of blood.
Self-care for minor hematomas, or for serious hematomas during the rehabilitation phase.
Physical therapy following serious hematomas.
Your own observation of symptoms.
Physical exam and medical history by a doctor for all except minor injuries.
X-rays of the injured area to assess total injury and to rule out the possibility of an underlying bone fracture. Total extent of the injury may not be apparent for 48 to 72 hours following injury.
Infection introduced either through a break in the skin at the time of injury or during aspiration of the hematoma.
Prolonged healing time if activity is resumed too soon.
Calcification of the blood remaining in the hematoma if blood is not completely removed or absorbed.
PROBABLE OUTCOMEAverage healing time is 2 weeks to 2 months unless blood is removed with aspiration. Healing time is much less with this treatment.
NOTE -- Follow your doctor's instructions. These instructions are supplemental.
Use instructions for R.I.C.E., the first letters of REST, ICE, COMPRESSION and ELEVATION. See Appendix 1 for details.
Continue ice massage 3 or 4 times a day for 15 minutes at a time. Fill a large Styrofoam cup with water and freeze. Tear a small amount of foam from the top so ice protrudes. Massage firmly over the injured area in a circle about the size of a softball.
Don't massage the thigh. You may trigger bleeding again.
For minor discomfort, you may use:
Non-prescription medicines such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
Topical liniments and ointments.
Your doctor may prescribe stronger medicine for pain, if needed.
ACTIVITYBegin activities slowly and stop exercise as soon as pain begins. Increase activity as healing progresses. To prevent a delay in healing, protect the hematoma area against excessive motion soon after injury. Motion breaks down the clot and causes irritation throughout the thigh, leading to possible scar formation, calcification and restricted movement after healing.
DIETDuring recovery, eat a well-balanced diet that includes extra protein, such as meat, fish, poultry, cheese, milk and eggs. Increase fiber and fluid intake to prevent constipation that may result from decreased activity.
REHABILITATIONBegin daily rehabilitation exercises when supportive wrapping is no longer needed. Use gentle ice massage for 10 minutes prior to exercise. See section on rehabilitation exercises.
You have signs or symptoms of a thigh hematoma that doesn't begin to improve in 1 or 2 days.
Skin is broken and signs of infection (drainage, increasing pain, fever, headache, muscle aches, dizziness or a general ill feeling) occur.