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Brand & Generic Names

217 Coryphen
217 Strong Dristan
8-Hour Bayer Timed Release Dristan Formula P
A.S.A. Easprin
A.S.A. Enseals Ecotrin
Acetylsalicylic Acid Empirin
Alka-Seltzer Effervescent Entrophen
Pain Reliever & Antacid Excedrin
Alka-Seltzer Plus Flogesic
Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold Halfprin
Alka-Seltzer Plus Magnaprin
Maximum Strength Sinus Magnaprin Arthritis
Allergy Strength
Alka-Seltzer Plus Nighttime Maprin
Cold Maprin I-B
Alpha-Phed Measurin
Anacin Mepro Analgesic
APAC Improved Norwich Aspirin
APF Arthritic Pain Formula Novasen
Arthinol P-A-C Revised Formula
Arthritis Pain Formula Rhinocaps
Artria S.R. Riphen
Ascriptin Robaxisal
Ascriptin A/D St. Joseph Adult Chewable
Aspergum Aspirin
Astrin Sal-Adult
Axotal Salatin
Bayer Saleto
Bayer Enteric Sal-Infant
Bayer Timed-Release Salocol
Arthritic Pain Formula Sine-Off Sinus Medicine
BC Cold Powder Supasa
Bexophene Synalgos
Buffaprin Therapy Bayer
Bufferin Triaphen
Buffinol Ursinus Inlay
Cama Arthritis Reliever Viro-Med
Coricidin D Zorprin
Coricidin w/Codeine

Basic Information

  • Habit forming? No
  • Prescription needed? No
  • Available as generic? Yes
  • Drug class: Analgesic, anti-inflammatory (non-steroidal)


  • Reduces pain, fever, inflammation.
  • Relieves swelling, stiffness, joint pain of arthritis or rheumatism.
  • Antiplatelet effect to reduce chances of heart attack and/or stroke.

Dosage & Usage Information

How to take:
Tablet or capsule--Swallow with liquid.
Extended-release tablets or capsules-- Swallow each dose whole.
Effervescent tablets--Dissolve in water.
Chewing gum tablets--Chew completely. Don't swallow whole.
Suppositories--Remove wrapper and moisten suppository with water. Gently insert into rectum, large end first.

When to take:
Pain, fever, inflammation--As needed, no more often than every 4 hours.

If you forget a dose:
Pain, fever--Take as soon as you remember. Wait 4 hours for next dose.
Arthritis--Take as soon as you remember up to 2 hours late. Return to regular schedule.

What drug does:
Affects hypothalamus, the part of the brain which regulates temperature by dilating small blood vessels in skin.
Prevents clumping of platelets (small blood cells) so blood vessels remain open.
Decreases prostaglandin effect.
Suppresses body's pain messages.

Time lapse before drug works:
30 minutes for pain, fever, arthritis.

Don't take with:
Tetracyclines. Space doses 1 hour apart.
Any other medicine without consulting your doctor or pharmacist.


Ringing in ears; nausea; vomiting; dizziness; fever; deep, rapid breathing; hallucinations; convulsions; coma.


  • Dial 911 (emergency) or O (operator) for an ambulance or medical help. Then give first aid immediately.
  • See EMERGENCY Information.

Possible Adverse Reactions or Side Effects


    Black or bloody vomit; Seek emergency blood in urine; treatment immediately. difficulty breathing; hives, rash, intense itching, faintness soon after a dose (anaphylaxis).


  • Nausea, vomiting, hearing loss.
  • Heartburn, indigestion.
  • Ringing in ears.


    None expected.


  • Black stools, unexplained fever.
  • Rash, hives, itch, diminished vision, shortness of breath, wheezing, jaundice, mental confusion.
  • Drowsiness.

Warnings & Precautions

Don't take if:

  • You need to restrict sodium in your diet. Buffered effervescent tablets and sodium salicylate are high in sodium.
  • You are sensitive to aspirin or aspirin has a strong vinegar- like odor, which means it has decomposed.
  • You have a peptic ulcer of stomach or duodenum or a bleeding disorder.

Before you start, consult your doctor:

  • If you have had stomach or duodenal ulcers.
  • If you have had gout.
  • If you have asthma or nasal polyps.
  • If you have kidney or liver disease.

Over age 60:
More likely to cause hidden bleeding in stomach or intestines. Watch for dark stools.

Risk to unborn child outweighs drug benefits. Don't use.

Drug passes into milk. Avoid drug or discontinue nursing until you finish medicine. Consult doctor for advice on maintaining milk supply.

Infants & children:

  • Overdose frequent and severe. Keep bottles out of children's reach.
  • Consult doctor before giving to persons under age 18 who have fever and discomfort of viral illness, especially chicken pox and influenza. Probably increases risk of Reye's syndrome.

Prolonged use:
Talk to your doctor about the need for follow-up medical examinations or laboratory studies to check liver function, complete blood counts (white blood cell count, platelet count, red blood cell count, hemoglobin, hematocrit).

Skin & sunlight:
Aspirin combined with sunscreen may decrease sunburn.

Driving, piloting or hazardous work:
No restrictions unless you feel drowsy.

For chronic illness--Don't discontinue without doctor's advice until you complete prescribed dose, even though symptoms diminish or disappear.


  • Aspirin can complicate surgery, pregnancy, labor and delivery, and illness.
  • For arthritis--Don't change dose without consulting doctor.
  • Urine tests for blood sugar may be inaccurate.
  • Don't take if pills have vinegar-like odor.

Possible Interaction with Other Drugs

------------------------ -----------------------
Acebutolol Decreased antihypertensive effect
of acebutolol.
ACE inhibitors*: Decreased ACE
captopril, enalapril, inhibitor effect.
Allopurinol Decreased allopurinol effect.
Antacids* Decreased aspirin effect.
Anticoagulants* Increased anticoagulant effect.
Abnormal bleeding.
Antidiabetics, oral* Low blood sugar.
Bumetanide Possible aspirin toxicity.
Carteolol Decreased antihypertensive effect
of carteolol.
Cortisone drugs* Increased cortisone effect. Risk of
ulcers and stomach bleeding.
Dextrothyroxine Increased dextrothyroxine effect.
Diclofenac Increased risk of stomach ulcer.
Ethacrynic acid Possible aspirin toxicity.
Furosemide Possible aspirin toxicity. May
decrease furosemide effect.
Gold compounds* Increased likelihood of kidney
Indomethacin Risk of stomach bleeding and
Ketoprofen Increased risk of stomach ulcer.
Levamisole Increased risk of bleeding.
Methotrexate Increased methotrexate effect.
Minoxidil Decreased minoxidil effect.
Non-steroidal Risk of stomach
anti-inflammatory bleeding and ulcers.
Oxprenolol Decreased antihypertensive effect
of oxprenolol.
Para-aminosalicylic Possible aspirin
acid toxicity.
Penicillins* Increased effect of both drugs.
Phenobarbital Decreased aspirin effect.
Phenytoin Increased phenytoin effect.
Probenecid Decreased probenecid effect.
Propranolol Decreased aspirin effect.
Rauwolfia alkaloids* Decreased aspirin effect.
Salicylates, other* Likely aspirin toxicity.
Sotalol Decreased antihypertensive effect
of sotalol.
Spironolactone Decreased spironolactone effect.
Sulfinpyrazone Decreased sulfinpyrazone effect.
Terazosin Decreases effectiveness of
terazosin. Causes sodium and fluid
Terfenadine May conceal symptoms of aspirin
overdose, such as ringing in ears.
Ticlopidine Increased effect of both drugs.
Vitamin C (large Possible aspirin
doses) toxicity.
Valproic acid May increase valproic acid effect.

Possible Interaction with Other Substances

--------------- ---------------
Alcohol: Possible stomach irritation and
bleeding. Avoid.
Beverages: None expected.
Cocaine: None expected.
Foods: None expected.
Marijuana: Possible increased pain relief, but
marijuana may slow body's recovery.
Tobacco: None expected.

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