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Brand & Generic Names

Alpha-Gilbenclamide Micronase
Apo-Chlorpropamide Mobenol
Apo-Tolbutamide Novobutamide
DiaBeta Oramide
Diabinese Orinase
Dimelor Storzolamide
Dymelor Tolamide
Glucamide Tolinase

Basic Information

  • Habit forming? No
  • Prescription needed? Yes
  • Available as generic? Yes, for some.
  • Drug class: Antidiabetic (oral), sulfonurea


  • Treatment for diabetes in adults who can't control blood sugar by diet, weight loss and exercise.
  • Treatment for diabetes insipidus.

Dosage & Usage Information

How to take:
Tablet--Swallow with liquid or food to lessen stomach irritation. If you can't swallow whole, crumble tablet and take with liquid or food.

When to take:
At the same times each day.

If you forget a dose:
Take as soon as you remember up to 2 hours late. If more than 2 hours, wait for next scheduled dose (don't double this dose).

What drug does:
Stimulates pancreas to produce more insulin. Insulin in blood forces cells to use sugar in blood.

Time lapse before drug works:
3 to 4 hours. May require 2 weeks for maximum benefit.

Don't take with:
Any other medicine without consulting your doctor or pharmacist.


Excessive hunger, nausea, anxiety, cool skin, cold sweats, drowsiness, rapid heartbeat, weakness, unconsciousness, coma.


  • Dial 911 (emergency) or O (operator) for an ambulance or medical help. Then give first aid immediately.
  • See EMERGENCY Information.

Possible Adverse Reactions or Side Effects


    In case of overdose, see Overdose section.


  • Dizziness.
  • Diarrhea, appetite loss, nausea, stomach pain, heartburn, constipation.


  • Low blood sugar (hunger, anxiety, cold sweats, rapid pulse), shortness of breath.
  • Headache.


    Fatigue, itchy skin or rash, sore throat, fever, ringing in ears, unusual bleeding or bruising, jaundice, edema, weakness, confusion.

Warnings & Precautions

Don't take if:

  • You are allergic to any sulfonurea.
  • You have impaired kidney or liver function.

Before you start, consult your doctor:

  • If you have a severe infection.
  • If you have thyroid disease.
  • If you take insulin.
  • If you have heart disease.

Over age 60:
Dose usually smaller than for younger adults. Avoid episodes of low blood sugar because repeated ones can damage brain permanently.

Discuss any use of these drugs with your doctor.

Drug filters into milk. May lower baby's blood sugar. Avoid.

Infants & children:
Don't give to infants or children.

Prolonged use:

  • Adverse effects more likely.
  • Talk to your doctor about the need for follow-up medical examinations or laboratory studies to check blood sugar, complete blood counts (white blood cell count, platelet count, red blood cell count, hemoglobin, hematocrit), eyes.

Skin and sunlight:
Increased sensitivity to sunlight.

Driving, piloting or hazardous work:
No problems expected unless you develop hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). If so, avoid driving or hazardous activity.

Don't discontinue without consulting doctor. Dose may require gradual reduction if you have taken drug for a long time. Doses of other drugs may also require adjustment.


  • Don't exceed recommended dose. Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) may occur, even with proper dose schedule. You must balance medicine, diet and exercise.
  • May affect results in some medical tests.
  • Advise any doctor or dentist whom you consult that you take this medicine.
  • Warning: A large study has shown that there is an increase in death rate from heart disease among those who take oral diabetic agents.

Possible Interaction with Other Drugs

------------------------ -----------------------
Androgens* Increased blood-sugar lowering.
Anticoagulants, Unpredictable
oral* prothrombin times.
Anticonvulsants, Decreased
hydantoin* blood-sugar lowering.
Aspirin Increased blood-sugar lowering.
Beta-adrenergic Increased blood-
blockers* sugar lowering. Possible increased
difficulty in regulating blood-
sugar levels.
Bismuth Increased insulin
subsalicylate effect. May require dosage
Chloramphenicol Increased blood-sugar lowering.
Cimetidine Increased blood-sugar lowering.
Clofibrate Increased blood-sugar lowering.
Contraceptives, Decreased blood-sugar lowering.
Cortisone drugs* Decreased blood-sugar lowering.
Dapsone Increased risk of adverse effect
on blood cells.
Desmopressin May increase desmopressin effect.
Dextrothyroxine Antidiabetic may require
Digoxin Possible decreased digoxin effect.
Diuretics* Decreased blood-sugar lowering.
Epinephrine Increased blood-sugar lowering.
Estrogens* Increased blood-sugar lowering.
Fluconazole Greater than expected drop in blood
sugar. If any oral antidiabetic
drug is taken with fluconazole,
blood sugars must be monitored
Guanethidine Unpredictable blood-sugar lowering
Hemolytics* Increased risk of adverse effect
on blood cells.
Insulin Increased blood-sugar lowering.
Isoniazid Decreased blood-sugar lowering.
Labetalol Increased blood-sugar lowering, may
mask hypoglycemia.
MAO inhibitors* Increased blood-sugar lowering.
Nicotinic acid Decreased blood-sugar lowering.
Non-steroidal Increased blood-sugar lowering.
Oxyphenbutazone Increased blood-sugar lowering.
Phenothiazines Decreased blood-sugar lowering.
Phenylbutazone Increased blood-sugar lowering.
Phenyramidol Increased blood-sugar lowering.
Phenytoin Decreased blood-sugar lowering.
Probenecid Increased blood-sugar lowering.
Pyrazinamide Decreased blood-sugar lowering.
Ranitidine Increased blood-sugar lowering.
Rifampin Decreased blood-sugar lowering.
Sulfa drugs* Increased blood-sugar lowering.
Sulfadoxine and Increased risk of toxicity.
Sulfaphenazole Increased blood-sugar lowering.
Thyroid hormones* Decreased blood-sugar lowering.

Possible Interaction with Other Substances

--------------- ---------------
Alcohol: Disulfiram reaction*. Avoid.
Beverages: None expected.
Cocaine: No proven problems.
Foods: None expected.
Marijuana: Decreased blood-sugar lowering.
Tobacco: None expected.

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