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Brand & Generic Names

Anthrombin-K Panwarfin
Carfin Sofarin

Basic Information

  • Habit forming? No
  • Prescription needed? Yes
  • Available as generic? Yes
  • Drug class: Anticoagulant


    Reduces blood clots. Used for abnormal clotting inside blood vessels.

Dosage & Usage Information

How to take:
Tablet--Swallow with liquid. If you can't swallow whole, crumble tablet and take with liquid or food.

When to take:
At the same time each day.

If you forget a dose:
Take as soon as you remember up to 12 hours late. If more than 12 hours, wait for next scheduled dose (don't double this dose). Inform your doctor of any missed doses.

What drug does:
Blocks action of vitamin K necessary for blood clotting.

Time lapse before drug works:
36 to 48 hours.

Don't take with:
Any other medicine without consulting your doctor or pharmacist.


Bloody vomit, coughing blood, bloody or black stools, red urine.


  • Dial 911 (emergency) or O (operator) for an ambulance or medical help. Then give first aid immediately.
  • See EMERGENCY Information.

Possible Adverse Reactions or Side Effects


    In case of overdose, see Overdose section.


    Bloating, gas.


  • Black stools or bloody vomit, coughing up blood.
  • Rash, hives, itch, blurred vision, sore throat, easy bruising, bleeding, cloudy or red urine, back pain, jaundice, fever, chills, fatigue, weakness, painful urination, decreased amount of urine, heavy menstruation, bleeding gums.
  • Diarrhea, cramps, nausea, vomiting, swollen feet or legs, hair loss.


  • Bleeding into and under skin.
  • Dizziness, headache, mouth sores.

Warnings & Precautions

Don't take if:

  • You have been allergic to any oral anticoagulant.
  • You have a bleeding disorder.
  • You have an active peptic ulcer.
  • You have ulcerative colitis.

Before you start, consult your doctor:

  • If you take any other drugs, including nonprescription drugs.
  • If you have high blood pressure.
  • If you have heavy or prolonged menstrual periods.
  • If you have diabetes.
  • If you have a bladder catheter.
  • If you have serious liver or kidney disease.
  • If you will have surgery within 2 months, including dental surgery, requiring general or spinal anesthesia.

Over age 60:
Adverse reactions and side effects may be more frequent and severe than in younger persons.

Risk to unborn child outweighs drug benefits. Don't use.

Drug filters into milk. May harm child. Avoid.

Infants & children:
Use only under doctor's supervision.

Prolonged use:
Talk to your doctor about the need for follow-up medical examinations or laboratory studies to check prothorombin time, stool and urine for blood.

Skin & sunlight:
No problems expected.

Driving, piloting or hazardous work:

  • Avoid hazardous activities that could cause injury.
  • Don't drive if you feel dizzy or have blurred vision.

Don't discontinue without consulting doctor. Dose may require gradual reduction if you have taken drug for a long time. Doses of other drugs may also require adjustment.


  • Carry identification to state that you take anticoagulants.
  • Advise any doctor or dentist whom you consult that you take this medicine.

Possible Interaction with Other Drugs

------------------------ -----------------------
Acetaminophen Increased effect of anticoagulant.
Allopurinol Increased effect of anticoagulant.
Aminoglutethmide Decreased effect of anticoagulant.
Amiodarone Increased effect of anticoagulant.
Androgens* Increased effect of anticoagulant.
Antacids* Decreased effect of
(large doses) anticoagulant.
Antibiotics* Increased effect of anticoagulant.
Antidiabetics*, Increased effect of
oral anticoagulant.
Antihistamines* Unpredictable increased or
decreased effect of anticoagulant.
Aspirin Possible spontaneous bleeding.
Barbiturates* Decreased effect of anticoagulant.
Benzodiazepines* Unpredictable increased or
decreased effect of anticoagulant.
Bismuth Increased risk of bleeding.
Calcium supplements* Decreased effect of anticoagulant.
Carbamazepine Decreased effect of anticoagulant.
Cefixime Increased effect of anticoagulant.
Chloramphenicol Increased effect of anticoagulant.
Cholestyramine Decreased effect of anticoagulant.
Clofibrate Increased effect of anticoagulant.
Colestipol Decreased effect of anticoagulant.
Contraceptives* Decreased effect of anticoagulant.
Danazol Increased effect of anticoagulant.
Dextrothyroxine Increased effect of anticoagulant.
Diclofenac Increased risk of bleeding.
Diflunisal Increased effect of anticoagulant.
Dipyridamole Increased risk of hemorrhage.
Disulfiram Increased effect of anticoagulant.
Erythromycins* Increased effect of anticoagulant.
Estramustine Decreased effect of anticoagulant.
Estrogens Decreased effect of anticoagulant.
Fenoprofen Increased effect of anticoagulant.
Fluconazole Increased effect of anticoagulant.
Fluoxetine May cause confusion, agitation,
convulsions and high blood
pressure. Avoid combining.
Gemfibrozil Increased effect of anticoagulant.
Glutethimide Decreased effect of anticoagulant.
Griseofulvin Decreased effect of anticoagulant.
Indomethacin Increased effect of anticoagulant.
Itraconazole Increased effect of anticoagulant.
Levamisole Increased risk of bleeding.
Methimazole Increased effect of anticoagulant.
Metronidazole Increased effect of anticoagulant.
Mineral oil Decreased absorption of
Nalidixic acid Increased effect of anticoagulant.
Nicardipine Possible increased effect of
Nimodipine Possible increased effect of
Nizatidine Increased effect of anticoagulant.
Non-steroidal Increased risk of bleeding.
Omeprazole Increased effect of anticoagulant.
Paroxetine Increased effect of anticoagulant.
Phenylbutazone Increased effect of anticoagulant.
Phenytoin Decreased levels of phenytoin.
Plicamycin Increased effect of anticoagulant.
Propafenone May require adjustment of
anticoagulant dosage.
Primadone Decreased effect of anticoagulant.
Rifampin Decreased effect of anticoagulant.
Quinidine Increased effect of anticoagulant.
Salicylates Increased effect of anticoagulant.
Sulfadoxine and Increased risk of toxicity.
Sulindac Increased effect of anticoagulant.
Suprofen Increased risk of bleeding.
Testolactone Increased effect of anticoagulant.
Thyroid hormones* Increased effect of anticoagulant.
Vitamin E Increased risk of bleeding.
Vitamin K Decreased effect of anticoagulant.
Note: Any medicine Unpredictable absorption.

Possible Interaction with Other Substances

--------------- ---------------
Alcohol: Can increase or decrease effect of
anticoagulant. Use with caution.
Beverages: None expected.
Cocaine: None expected.
High in vitamin K May decrease
such as fish, liver, anticoagulant
spinach, cabbage, effect.
Marijuana: None expected.
Tobacco: None expected.

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