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Brand & Generic Names

Matulane Natulan

Basic Information

  • Habit forming? No
  • Prescription needed? Yes
  • Available as generic? No
  • Drug class: Antineoplastic


    Treatment for some kinds of cancer.

Dosage & Usage Information

How to take:
Capsule--Swallow with liquid after light meal. Don't drink fluids with meals. Drink extra fluids between meals. Avoid sweet or fatty foods.

When to take:
At the same time each day.

If you forget a dose:
Take as soon as you remember. Don't double dose ever.

What drug does:
Inhibits abnormal cell reproduction. Procarbazine is an alkylating agent and an MAO inhibitor.

Time lapse before drug works:
Up to 6 weeks for full effect.

Don't take with:
Any other medicine without consulting your doctor or pharmacist.


Restlessness, agitation, fever, convulsions, bleeding.


  • Dial 911 (emergency) or O (operator) for an ambulance or medical help. Then give first aid immediately.
  • If patient is unconscious and not breathing, give mouth-to- mouth breathing. If there is no heartbeat, use cardiac massage and mouth-to-mouth breathing (CPR). Don't try to make patient vomit. If you can't get help quickly, take patient to nearest emergency facility.
  • See EMERGENCY Information.

Possible Adverse Reactions or Side Effects


    In case of overdose, see Overdose section.


  • Nausea, vomiting, decreased urination, numbness or tingling in hands or feet, hair loss, rapid or pounding heartbeat, shortness of breath.
  • Fatigue, weakness, confusion.
  • Dizziness when changing position, dry mouth, inflamed tongue, constipation, difficult urination.


  • Fainting.
  • Severe headache; abnormal bleeding or bruising; muscle, joint or chest pain, enlarged eye pupils; black tarry stools; urine bloody.
  • Hallucinations, insomnia, nightmares, diarrhea, swollen feet or legs, nervousness, eyes sensitive to light, cough or hoarseness, mouth sores, depression.
  • Diminished sex drive.


    Rash, stiff neck, jaundice, fever, sore throat, vomiting blood, wheezing.

Warnings & Precautions

Don't take if:

  • You are allergic to any MAO inhibitor.
  • You have heart disease, congestive heart failure, heart rhythm irregularities or high blood pressure.
  • You have liver or kidney disease.

Before you start, consult your doctor:

  • If you are alcoholic.
  • If you have asthma.
  • If you have had a stroke.
  • If you have diabetes or epilepsy.
  • If you have overactive thyroid.
  • If you have schizophrenia.
  • If you have Parkinson's disease.
  • If you have adrenal gland tumor.
  • If you will have surgery within 2 months, including dental surgery, requiring general or spinal anesthesia.

Over age 60:
Not recommended.

Animal studies show possible fetal abnormalities. Decide with your doctor whether benefits justify risk to unborn child.

Safety not established. Consult doctor.

Infants & children:
Not recommended.

Prolonged use:

  • May be toxic to liver.
  • Talk to your doctor about the need for follow-up medical examinations or laboratory studies to check complete blood counts (white blood cell count, platelet count, red blood cell count, hemoglobin, hematocrit), bone marrow, kidney function.

Skin & sunlight:
May cause rash or intensify sunburn in areas exposed to sun or sunlamp.

Driving, piloting or hazardous work:
Don't drive or pilot aircraft until you learn how medicine affects you. Don't work around dangerous machinery. Don't climb ladders or work in high places. Danger increases if you drink alcohol or take medicine affecting alertness and reflexes.


  • Don't discontinue without doctor's advice until you complete prescribed dose, even though symptoms diminish or disappear.
  • Follow precautions regarding foods, drinks and other medicines for 2 weeks after discontinuing.


  • May affect blood-sugar levels in patients with diabetes.
  • Fever may indicate that MAO inhibitor dose requires adjustment.

Possible Interaction with Other Drugs

------------------------ -----------------------
Amphetamines* Blood pressure rise to life-
threatening level.
Anticonvulsants* Changed seizure pattern.
Antidepressants, Blood pressure rise to
tricyclic (TCA)* life-threatening level.
Antidiabetics*, Excessively low blood sugar.
Antihistamines* Increased sedation.
Barbiturates* Increased sedation.
Bone marrow depressants* Increased toxicity to bone marrow.
Buspirone Elevated blood pressure.
Caffeine Irregular heartbeat or high blood
Carbamazepine Fever, seizures. Avoid.
Central nervous system Increased CNS depression.
Clozapine Toxic effect on bone marrow and
central nervous system.
Cyclobenzaprine Fever, seizures. Avoid.
Dextromethorphan Fever, hypertension.
Diuretics* Excessively low blood pressure.
Doxapam Increased blood pressure.
Ethinamate Dangerous increased effects of
ethinamate. Avoid combining.
Fluoxetine Increased depressant effects of
both drugs.
Guanethidine Blood pressure rise to life-
threatening level.
Guanfacine May increase depressant effects of
either medicine.
Leucovorin High alcohol content of leucovorin
may cause adverse effects.
Levamisole Increased risk of bone marrow
Levodopa Sudden, severe blood pressure rise.
MAO inhibitors*, High fever, convulsions,
other death.
Methyldopa Severe high blood pressure.
Methylphenidate Excessive high blood pressure.
Methyprylon May increase sedative effect to
dangerous level. Avoid.
Nabilone Greater depression of central
nervous system.
Narcotics* Increased sedation.
Phenothiazines* Increased sedation.
Rauwolfia alkaloids* Very high blood pressure.
Reserpine Increased blood pressure,
Sertraline Increased depressive effects
of both drugs.
Sumatriptan Adverse effects unknown. Avoid.
Sympathomimetics* Heartbeat abnormalities, severe
high blood pressure.
Tiopronin Increased risk of toxicity to bone

Possible Interaction with Other Substances

--------------- ---------------
Alcohol: Increased sedation to dangerous
level. Disulfiram-like reaction*.
Caffeine drinks. Irregular heartbeat or high blood
Drinks containing Blood pressure rise to
tyramine* life-threatening level.
Cocaine: Overstimulation. Possibly fatal.
Foods containing Blood pressure rise to
tyramine* life-threatening level.
Marijuana: Overstimulation. Avoid.
Tobacco: No proven problems.

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