General Information
DEFINITION--Eye injury, including blunt injury (contusion) or cut (laceration).
BODY PARTS INVOLVED--Eyeball; eyelid; bones around the eyeball (eye socket);
muscles attached to the eyeball.
SEX OR AGE MOST AFFECTED--Both sexes; all ages.
- Swelling, redness, tenderness, pain, bleeding or bruising ("black eye") in or
around the eye.
- Change in ability to see clearly.
CAUSES--A blunt or sharp blow or cut to the eye or surrounding structures.
- Eye injuries often occur in fights. Fights are more likely with alcohol consumption or
in hostile environments that foster aggression.
- Occupations that expose the eye to injury, such as carpentry or steel-construction work.
- Using rotary lawn mower.
- BB gun or slingshot usage.
- Participation in sports such as basketball, football, hockey, etc.
HOW TO PREVENT--Wear protective eye coverings, if possible, for any exposure to
eye injury risks.
What To Expect
- Your own observation of symptoms.
- Medical history and physical exam by a doctor.
- X-rays of bone surrounding the eye.
- Doctor's treatment, which may include suturing a laceration.
- For a major laceration, repair should be done by an eye surgeon.
- For trauma to the eyeball, emergency treatment by a specialist is necessary.
- Self-care after treatment.
- Permanent vision loss.
- Infection.
- Cataract.
PROBABLE OUTCOME--Usually curable with treatment to prevent infection and suture
of lacerations in and around the eye. Allow 2 weeks for complete healing.
How To Treat
- For a lid contusion (black eye) during the first 24 hours, use ice packs to reduce
swelling. The next day, prepare a hot compress by folding a clean cloth in several layers.
Dip in hot water, wring out slightly and apply to the eye. Dip the compress often to keep
it moist. Apply the compress for an hour, rest an hour and repeat.
- Protect eyes from bright light or sunlight by wearing dark glasses temporarily.
- Sleep with the head elevated with 2 pillows until symptoms subside.
MEDICATION--Your doctor may prescribe:
- Antibiotic eye drops or ointments to prevent infection.
- Pain relievers.
- Eye drops to dilate the eye pupil and rest the eye muscles (sometimes).
ACTIVITY--Resume normal activities gradually after treatment.
DIET--No special diet.
Call Your Doctor If
- You have a cut or other eye injury.
- The following occurs after eye injury: Fever. Severe eye pain that persists, despite
treatment. Vision changes.